Friday, September 09, 2005

So here's a few of the crazy kids going to London for a semester. Tim, Megan, Mel, & Steph. There are a total of 18 of them. Should be good times. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...
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Jackie said...

Oh what fun they will have.

Megan said...

yippee!!!! we are here and we slept from 9pm our time (3pm yours) until 1pm our time (7am yours) hehehehe...this is awesome!

Cindy's Closet said...

Oh My! Someone needed sleep!

granny said...

this is the third time i;m tring to comment. My granddaugther the traveler. look out london her she comes

granny said...

what's this verication crap????

Cindy's Closet said...

I enabled the word verification to keep out most of the "Spam" comments. Most of them are computer generated and will not answer the word verification, thus disabling the message in my comments. How's that for an answer?! I hope this does not confuse most people. You simply have to type in the letters as seen and your comment will post.