Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If this isn't the cutest...I don't know what is!

Gamma loves Major Briggs (& his pappa too)!

Monday, September 20, 2010

30 Years!!

So today marks 30 years with the man on the right. It's been a time of beautiful memories and family love. I can't imagine having been together with anyone else. Your my best friend. Thanks for the memories! BTW...we need to get a decent photograph together don't ya think?

Friday, September 17, 2010

My Silly Son!

Can you believe it? Jamey is testing an experiment with an 8ft. weather balloon, an iphone, and a video camera. This will be test run #2 (the first one was done with his dad and the balloon was tethered). #3 is scheduled on Sept. 24th. Check out this article in the Pioneer Press (link below). Who knows what this fella will think of next. Ya gotta love his zest and curiosity for life! This picture is so appropriate cause his feet are never on the ground-from day one!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Congratulations Megan and Josh!!

Happy 1 year Together you two! We love you both!

Somebody Kicked my Butt in Horseshoes! It's no wonder....

Danny loves throwing shoes!! Gotta love it!

Friday, September 03, 2010

Reaching Out to Loved Ones...

Nothing can or will change my heart. My heart is full of those that are actively involved in our lives and who actively share their lives and love with us.