Friday, September 17, 2010

My Silly Son!

Can you believe it? Jamey is testing an experiment with an 8ft. weather balloon, an iphone, and a video camera. This will be test run #2 (the first one was done with his dad and the balloon was tethered). #3 is scheduled on Sept. 24th. Check out this article in the Pioneer Press (link below). Who knows what this fella will think of next. Ya gotta love his zest and curiosity for life! This picture is so appropriate cause his feet are never on the ground-from day one!!


Jackie said...

I'm always excited to see what his next adventure will be...never a dull moment. You've got a brilliant boy Cindy and he's got a proud auntie :)

granny said...

Way to go Jamey. That brain of yours is always thinking of some fun thingy to do, You also have a very proud granny.