Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Cabaret rehearsals are going well....I guess!
Can you guess which one is Megan?? Posted by Hello


Megan said...

YOU'RE WRONG...NICE TRY AJ! thanks for not knowing my butt...her's is cute, but it's a little big for mine. ;) guess again!

Cindy's Closet said...

We'll never tell...guess again!

granny said...

I would say it is T with the light blue legs. That's a lot of beef

granny said...

Or maybe not T but A. I know it's one of them

Megan said...

Nice cover AJ...you weren't teasing...We'll never tell which one i am! I NEVA TOL YOU!

granny said...

I knmow all the time it was A because I changed diapers on that butt for years. Couldn't miss it.

Just Paul said...

At the risk of being labeled a dirty old man, I would like to say,
"Nice A!".

Go out there and break a leg Megan.