Sunday, February 07, 2010

Guardian Angels for Hire...

On our way home from Iowa today we got within 5 miles of home and nearly crashed the car!! Thank God there was no oncoming traffic! Just a van following behind us. When my rear end started sliding around on me going about 50mph I immediately took my foot off the gas pedal and cranked the steering wheel. We slid into the side of the road sliding along a snow bank just missing a row of about 6 mailboxes (on Rick's side of the car-no less!) and then slid back around the other way! I couldn't even panic until it was all over and then I got lightheaded and nearly passed out! All Rick had to say during the whole event was "WHOA!" and then "Good Job!" when it was over! Seriously...I was shaking all over when and nearly had to pull over to compose myself! Thanks for sending my Guardian Angel along today Lord! Guess I needed it!!


Jackie said...

Glad you were able to come outta that one ok. Sheesh !!!
I did have a dream last night that I was at your house and I was gonna try out Ricks "new bike" as I was starting down your road (to the left) I came upon a black bear, I screamed and flew back into your drive way where Rick was standing...Sorry rick, I think the bear got you. Dreams are so wierd.

Brianna said...

Ugh, I'm glad you're ok! Scary!

granny said...

Glad you made it ok. Dang bear anyway.

Megan said...

glad you're safe...even from the bears. (oh, aj!)