Monday, July 25, 2005

Summer Storms and Root Canals!

There are similarities here. The lightening bolts and thunder are very similar to the drilling and shrilling winces of pain while the dentist clears the root canal. I can barely stand to recall the experience. A person's first root canal should not occur until their mind is thoroughly numb enough to handle such an extreme experience. I for one do not care for dentistry. I fully understand the need for it, mind you, I simply abhorr the process of maintaining my genuinely perfect smile. Hee hee. Oh I all think I've gone insane. Maybe all that novacaine went to my head. And "NO" I refuse to post a picture of the horrific event (like some people I know)! Maybe I should have allowed the tooth to float away just as we may all eventually do in the thunderstorms and downpours we're receiving. Rain Rain go Away!


granny said...

ahh come on we needed the rain. Now the cool air feels great. The muggins are gone. We got 4" even. Sorry about the pain. Hope your mouth feels better.

Jackie said...

I would have come and took a picture....ya just gotta ask. No one evea tole me you have root canal...eva