Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I had a great weekend in DesMoines, Iowa! I know what you're thinking...what's so special in Iowa. I was participating in a craft show that was attended by over 5500 people. It was great! I made a lot of money selling my custom crystal suncatchers and met some very nice people. It was held at their state fairgrounds and there were over 300 vendors! Rick was bored so he went over to the gun show that was in one of the other buildings. Thank god he didn't buy one! I've never been to DesMoines before so we went to check things out on Saturday evening. We had a wonderful time and got to see the capitol. It was kinda like a weekend getaway but I had to go to work. ha ha! I'll definitely do it again. It was a great success and well worth my time. Now...on to the next!


Megan said...

yay Iowa!

yay money.
Yay success.
Yay Mom.

granny said...

Yea succus in Iowa. They must have money down there.LOL

Cindy's Closet said...

When your main source of income is from the corn you grow and that provides food and fuel for the country -Yep, I'd say they have money down there.