Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Summer's End

It's funny how you can feel the energy return to those who are getting ready to go back to school. It's almost a frenzy to reconnect with friends, final goodbyes to those they'll be leaving, and, of course, last minute school shopping. Brianna has returned to college. Brice is heading off to college (his first year) with new challenges and adventures. Megan will be gone to London in about a week. Gavin will be attending High School (Jeez...where'd the time go?)! All my neices and nephews will be returning to school (and preschool of course) and families will be back into a routine. Things will quiet down a bit around here with my Megan gone. However, I know she'll be really good at keeping us updated until we visit in October. Jamey and his girlfriend, Allana, are coming down on Thursday for dinner and to just hang out and say goodbye to Megan before she goes. We haven't spent any real time with him since the 4th of July. It will be fun! Maybe a good ol'campfire is in order (weather permitting, of course)! Good luck to everyone! I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers! Until we meet again.....


Megan said...

oh Mommy, you're so cute. I love you very much..in fact, i love you to the moon! I promise to keep you updated on my life abroad! I woudln't want you to worry! (like you won't anyway) but i think you're an adorable mother and i love you!

Cindy's Closet said...

There are just soooo many different ways to spell names. Oops...sorry Alanna.

Jackie said...

Sounds like your handling this all better than I am. I just hate this part...... Pooh Blah......Tear

granny said...

empty nest boo hoo

Just Paul said...

Best Wishes to Megan from SimplyPaul's family. We hope you enjoy a wonderful experience.