Monday, May 18, 2009

Rick's 50th Birthday Celebration!

Man of Honor....Mr. Rick

Jensen's got skills...

Kate playing ball and Sam in the tree fort.

Darin, Jodi, & Mary

Girls just wanna have fun...Kate and Megan

Mary and Sam

Jake, Jensen, Darin, & Randy

Darin, Randy, Sam having fun!

Holly, Jodi, Randy, & Megan

Campfire where the kids tried to burn themselves to death-all part of the festive fun!

Meeting of the Rick Minds...

Silly Grant!

All the Siblings made it!!

Good food and family...

Chris and Gale chattin it up.

Jamey and Kate being cute!


RickE said...

Thanks everyone for making my 50th birthday special!

Jackie said...

Oh the food......

granny said...

Great pictures and we really missed Alexanda.

Megan said...

I'm glad everyone made it. i'm Glad AJ loved the dinner spread! (it was soooo good!) and i'm glad that i got to hold a "Niece" Audrey...and i'm glad that my PAPA was surrounded with family and friends and so much love!

(My word verifications is "imboring" that's SO rude!

Cindy's Closet said...

I think I was too busy running around to be in any of these pictures!