This was what I woke up to this morning. My eyes were still glued shut and I couldn't focus. I thought it was some kind of overgrown hairy bird at first! Ha! After a few rubs to the lids I realized it was antlers on a big ol' 10 point buck having a taste of the salt I put out this weekend. I ran down and got Rick outta the office and he took this picture. How fun to have nature so close. We usually don't see the bucks so close to the house. A Doe and her fawn(s) will come up without hesitation and sometimes we can even be on the deck and they will just wander about. Amazing, really. I just thought I would share this with all of you. Now don't any of you hunters out there think you'll be headin this way. Not over my dead body! They're too amazing!
Nice picture...very cool man
vert neat picture.
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