Monday, July 17, 2006


I'm finally home from the fair! Oh my gosh! Everyone needs to remind me how hot it gets in July so I won't do it again! It was waaaay to hot! Attendance was down and I can't stand just sitting around but it was too hot to do anything else. Uuugh! Glad to be outta there! I spent today getting reorganized and resting. Rick and I cooked steaks on the grill for dinner (Yum!) and then we decided to go see the Pirates movie in Kasson. It was fun! I love having the movie theatre in our community. It's a nice thing to do on such a hot evening when there is nothing else to do. The movie was great! Good Pirate fun! I just looooove Johhny Depp!! I could melt in his beautiful eyes. ummmmm...yep...I would do that. Oh...I better wake up from my dream before I get myself in too much trouble. Hee Hee. I'm excited for this weekend. We're going to Stillwater to spend the weekend there with some friends. Should be a Hoot! I LOOOOOVE SUMMER!! YAY!

1 comment:

granny said...

Glad you can relax and be out of the hot weather. Missed you at the party.