I brought my Mommmy a beautiful present from the forest today! I'll give you a hint: It's small, colorful, makes a chirping sound, and has wings! Yes! You're right! I brought my Mommy a beautiful winged birdy that flew around the family room while I tried to play with it! I seriously don't know why my Mommy was screaming! It was so thoughtful of me to bring her such a lovely gift. Maybe she didn't appreciate my effort to please her. I guess I'll keep trying until I get it right.
hope it didn't crap.
Nope...but I did!!
THAT is funny.....Ahhhhhhhhh Haaaaaaaaaaa
POOR MOMMY! What Kinda bird was it? I miss my cats. booo hooo! Hey ma, member when you got the bee down your shirt? I DO!
Leave it up to you Meggie Lou to remind me of the horrific events in my life. Now I'll have nightmares! AAAaaaaahhhhhh!
That kitty doesn't look very please that her mommy let the birdie get away. What was mommy thinking?????
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