Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Killer Storms!

So last night as I was returning home from the big city (St. Paul), I ran into the worst thunderstorm I've had to drive in years! I literally felt as though I was driving through a waterfall for about 20 miles!! It was sooooo nerve wracking! I was "white knuckling" the steering wheel and yelling at the 2 Semi Trucks who decided that they just HAD to drive around me to increase my blindness and inhibit my forward progress! Only other thing worse than that drive would have been a winter storm with freezing rain and blowing snow (we also get that a lot around here)!! Oh Minnesota! Why do I put up with you? "Sigh"


granny said...

be cause your mother-in-law lives here. hee hee,

Just Paul said...

Right On Granny! You keep Cindy on the Straight and Narrow. = )

Cindy's Closet said...

There is no straight and narrow for me Paul! No Way, Jose'! Where's the fun in that?