I can't think of many other places except maybe Seattle that would have so many gloomy days! It is physically and emotionally depressing. I want to get out in the yard and plant some flowers but the sun will not come out to dry things up. I refuse to dig in the mud. I'm not that desperate...really! A friend of mine is moving to Witchita, Kansas. I think I'll go with her. Other than the fact that it is literally in the middle of tornado valley it's got to be sunnier and warmer than here. I think I'll go find something to do. There's got to be a cobweb somewhere I can chase. Apparently Rick thinks I'm his own personal maid now that I'm home. He leaves his stuff everywhere!! Is there a rule out there that says men shouldn't have to put their dishes in the dishwasher (the counter or coffee table is perfectly fine...the cats can lick them clean there), or have so many clothes laying about for weeks that you forget which ones are clean and which ones are dirty?(the top of the dresser or floor is an acceptable place to store your clean or dirty clothes for weeks at a time while the dresser is almost completely empty). Maybe I'm being too petty because I have time on my hands or maybe I'm just finally realizing that I don't get paid enough to pick up after anyone but myself. And that's pushing it too! Hee hee!
I hope you all see the sun shine today and that it will help to change my mood from grumpy to grateful. I am grateful of course...for the many things I have. Remind me of that OK?
Cindy you could have been me. I went to my class and was happy for the pounds lost so i took myself out to lunch at the old country buffet.( I have wanted to see how much change they made in the remodling). Well I was sitting there eating and this worker came to change the empty milk thingy well the cooks had opened the carton and didn't tell antone or properly secure the end of the spout, so when she hefted the thing up to put it in the milk place the hose flew out and milk all over the place. even all over my coat. She felt so bad. I told her it could have been a mink coat. They gave me 6 free dinner passes. Hope you have a better rest of the day.
So did everyone call you the Dairy Queen? Hee hee. It could only happen to you Mary! If I had been there you KNOW it Neva Eva Woulda Happen! You should invite me along to keep you safe! Oh Well...next time you'll know.
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