Saturday, April 09, 2005

Gotta be a Record # of Posts!!

Ok...everybody wants to know and I think I'm calmed down enough now to share. I need to say that I think it's rather cruel of all of you to make me re-live this horrible experience again! But here I'm driving down 37th street in Rochester which, of course as you would expect every "freakin" street in this city to be, is under construction (no workers or road torn up...just some stupid cones to channel all of us frustrated travelers into one lane to see how long it takes before somebody snaps!) With a car, an SUV, and a pickup ahead of me stopped at a stop light takin in the sights and tryin to figure out just why in the hell we're funneled into one lane on such a busy street...the light turns green...we start to move. I glance to my left at a beautiful new coffee shop and look forward to a bright set of RED BRAKELIGHTS in my face!! Needless to say...I couldn't stop quick enough. I ram my poor baby into the back of this piece of crap 1990 black Chevy pickup! Luckily (and I say this with tears in my eyes) there was a Sheriff 2 cars behind me and she called the city PO-LICE. To make matters really "sucky" the guy in the pickup wasn't wearing his seat belt and didn't have his license with him! He told me later that he'd just gotten his bumper fixed from an accident he had 2 months ago and that he had to slam his brakes on too. GREAT!! So the medics were called and he was checked because of some neck pain he was experiencing (well...duh!), and I stood outside for like an hour waiting for everyone to finish up their business. The medics asked me if I was OK as the tears streamed down my face and I said I was "just belts save lives" thanks for finally asking. The kind policeman issued me a ticket with a smile ("hey...I'm being easy on you"---uh-huh, yeah, right!) and told me to get my car checked out to make sure it was drivable. Everything will be fine...I was not hurt in the least (except for my composure) and the car will be fixed by the end of the week. Soooo....My business trip into town to make money ended up costing me about $600!!
I think I'll stay home and clean from now on. Sound good to you?

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