Friday, March 11, 2005

What is work?

Yeah...a person can get used to naps in the sun, boat rides, more naps in the sun, etc. We saw a guy on the beach today with his family and he was walking around yelling at someone on his cell phone and I you are in paradise with your family and you can't leave work at home to spend some quality time in Paradise? Come on Mister!! Get with the program! Oh yeah...I forgot...there is no program in Paradise. Only sunshine and ocean waves lapping at your feet.
We tried to go on a snorkeling tour today but the water was too rough and murkey so we decided to postpone it and go another day. Tomorrow we may go into a small town and visit a market and another beach. Yes...I know...all in a day. Hee hee. It can't get much better than this. Gotta run...Rick and I are going to check out another theatre production. They're pretty entertaining (and outside!). See ya soon! But not too much!


Megan said...

tee hee..someone sounds jealous!! *wink*

Cindy's Closet said...

Silly boy...come back home and save yourself! I can't believe you did that!