Thanks Izzy! We couldn't have done it without you! JK!!!

Our amazing sunset from our deck with a glass of wine! Ahhh....what a way to end a looong trip!
I'm being patient but my patience tank is running low.
Only 6 hours left. YiPPee!!
Good Morning Texas! Crossing the Texas border at sunrise!
Matagorda Dunes Condos, Matagorda, Texas
Walking on the beach
View from our deck! You can see and hear the ocean over the sand dunes!
Pool Area!
My footsteps in the soft white sand! It's so peaceful! I'll be making many of these each day for the next month! Come join me!!
Beautiful scenery right out in our back yard! Ok...I'm in love!
I keep thinking if my daugher, Megan, were here I'd never get her to leave!
She loves hunting for sea shells! There's a million and one here! And they're all beautiful1!
She loves hunting for sea shells! There's a million and one here! And they're all beautiful1!