I love the excitement of December! This is the first year in several that I haven't been in Apache Mall. I really miss the hustle and bustle but it was the right decision. Traffic and spending is down so much in our little corner of the world that it isn't worth the time and effort. I'm really just happy to have a normal Christmas season for a change. I'm enjoying the planning, shopping, and preparation for the big day. I finally went to the chiropractor for my back because it wasn't getting any better (hurt it last week). Amazing what one treatment will do! I can sit without much pain and even went to exercise class today! I feel fantastic!! Thank you Dr. Krause!! Just one more treatment tomorrow and I'll be good to go. He found some sublexations in my mid back and it's starting to show arthritis so I will probably go a few times a year to keep things in check. That will help for a number of things. Including my attitude. Now if he could only fix my attitude about this white crap on the ground and the cold temps I'd give him a trophy! I don't think he can do that though. Maybe I should do more talking to the man upstairs. It'll be alright through Christmas Day but then it needs to go away and start warming up. In the off chance it isn't going to do that (this is Minnesooooota after all) I'll anxiously await my Mexico vacation. It'll be a good one this year because we're going with our friends Deb and Paul Gjere. It's good I have that to look forward to or I think I'd go insane from the cold!! Stay warm and cozy everyone!