Seriously...what would possess anyone in their right mind to go outside and play football when the windchills are in the -30's??!!!! OUT OF THEIR MINDS IS WHAT THEY ARE! I know that the Wisconsin Packer's take great pride in proving their tough but COME ON! It's not even pretty to watch!! Their breath freezes the second it hits the air! Someone needs to remind me why I live here when it's this cold! Family or not! I can't handle it! I will run to the car (has to be pre-heated or in the heated garage), then run to the store, then back to the car, and into the house! And all the while my eyes are watering from the wind blowing in my face & freezing my skin! There will be no dawdling for this gal! uh uh! No Way! Now just watch it be in the 30's and 40's while I'm gone and on my wonderful carribean trip. It'll be my luck! I keep telling myself that it's only a couple more months until spring. Please remind me!