So Rick and I went up to Minneapolis on Saturday and spent the day and evening with the kids. Megan and I got to go shopping while Rick and Jamey finished a window replacement project they started last weekend. Then we all hooked up again, including Kate, her 2 sisters, and her mom around 8:00pm at Jamey's house. Fun was had by all. It was really great to meet Kate's sister Jodi from Michigan. My VERY SPECIAL son actually surprised Kate, her mom, and her younger sister who is getting married in December. He called Jodi (Kate's oldest sister) and asked her if she was free for the weekend and if she could come to Minnesota to spend the day wedding planning/shopping with her sisters and mom! So he flew her in for the weekend! What a surprise!! They had a blast and I can't even tell you how many points Jamey earned for that little surprise! I can only hope my daughter can find someone just as special for her! Rick and I left for home about 9:30. I actually fell asleep in the car on the way home...I NEVER do that! Sunday was spent working and preparing for my holiday kiosk in the mall. I am all about "all work and no play" these days. There isn't enough time to get it all done! Uffdah! I even enlisted Rick to help me tonight (Monday) and we worked until I was exhausted. I'm only about 1/3 done. I found out I have to go to Philadelphia the first weekend in November for work too! I won't be there for my first Expo with my new product! I'll have to hire someone to work it for me! Anyone interested? Lemme know! Ok...I'm exhausted and now need to get myself to bed so I can go to work and slave another day. Uuugh! With any luck my boss will hire some more people so we can actually get things done around there and not run around like chicken's with their head's cut off! Icky...that's not a nice picture!'s just how I feel most days. But anyhooo! I hope you all have a nice week. Hugs!