Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Fiesta Time!!

Rick got a new Smoker (meat cooker) for father's day (Thanks Jamey & Kate!). We're gonna try it out on Sunday and have a party! You're all welcome to stop in!! Aren't the chairs AMAZING?!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


So I was all set to update my blog. I've been waiting for a week or more to take a picture of the beautiful patio chairs that Rick painted for me! I got Rick's camera ready, positioned the chairs for their photo, & Wah-Lah! Camera doesn't work! Now we have NO CAMERA in the house that works!! I'm frustrated to say the least! You'll all just have to stop in to see them I guess. Anyone interested in a grand fiesta party complete with comfortable/gorgeous chairs should stop by! I wanna have a fiesta party. I think I may just have to do that. Only thing is I need the weather to cooperate and it doesn't like to do that here in Minnesooooota! So until we figure this camera thing'll all have to anticipate the beauty or come out yourself to take a peek.
That's all I got! Have a great week!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Graduation and open houses

Another weekend of graduation open houses. At least the weather was a little nicer than last weekend. It's so amazing to go to these parties to celebrate a new beginning for all these former dancers. You know the ones I mean...all those little girls who danced in Just For Kix and later danced with all the passion and desire I had dreamed they'd have for dance team in High School. This year was the smallest group of open houses I had (only 6). I think it's because I haven't been coaching for 2 years and the girls tend to forget. I still wish them all the very best! They are all girls who exceed expectations in everything they do and worked soooo hard to git-R-done! I'm so proud of all of them. Tears well in my eyes at this very moment just thinking about the little pink tutu's or cute little blue and white sailor suits ! Oh yeah! The memories! God Bless you all. Now show us all What Ya Got!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Feels Good!

I finally had an evening that had no expectation or committment. It was sooo nice. A couple glasses of favorite kitties by my side...Ricky Dean wandering around doin' his thing. It just felt good. Knowing I could sleep in tomorrow morning. Knowing we are going to fumble around the house and just do what we want to do. It felt good. I am happy with that. It's been several months since I felt this way ...maybe the last time was in Manzanillo,MX in February. I just hope the weather cooperates so we can work outside. Hopefully I can post a few pics. I don't have a camera anymore (one that works) and Rick has his camera set for too high dpi so I can't upload them. Oh well....we'll see if I can figure it out. If'll have to imagine. But that's what we used to do anyway, right? Enjoy your weekend everyone!