Saturday, March 31, 2007

A New Day!

Is it time to create a New Day?! A New Start?! I'm thinking about it....most seriously. After all...Isn't Easter about new beginnings?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Welcome Spring!

Today was another beautiful day. I began what will be called my "entrance" back into the workout world again. It felt good. It's good to be back. I stepped outside this morning to breathe in the fresh air. The birds were singing their early morning greetings to the world. All was peaceful. I allowed the moment to "Just Be". And it was. I tried to carry that moment with me throughout the day but it was hard. It's so easy to get caught up in life. I hope you can all take a moment each day to "Just Be". Happy Spring and God Bless.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

On Wednesday, March 21st, 2007 my oldest born will turn
26 years old! How can this be?! Where does the time go?
Happy Birthday Jamey! You make us proud!

Monday, March 19, 2007

You Made It!

Congratulations on making it through your first day
of work Megan! We're proud of you!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad and Gavin!!

Gavin, you're so tall now Megan is scared of you!! Hee Hee!
Dad's favorite past you get to do it again soon!

Ah Yes! Kickin' back on your birthday is a good idea!

Woo Hoo! It's my daddie's birthday today! And a huuuuuuge hollar out to my great nephew "Gavin" on his "golden 16" birthday! I hope you BOTH have a special day because you hold a special place in a lot of hearts! God Bless You on the day we celebrate your entry into this world! It wouldn't be the same without you!


Thursday, March 08, 2007

A Little Birdy...

A little Birdy told me to update but I got nothin to say. The Job search is once again on since I just couldn't stand the thought of selling advertising and the stress was killing me. Sooo....I got nothin! Reeeally! Nothin! Just depressing.