Seriously, I think I'm addicted to blogging! Somebody Save Me!!
Symptom #1: I check my blog 3 times a day to see if anyone has commented.
(Hardly anyone does so I don't know why I continue to check it!)
Symptom #2: I find myself getting anxious about others not updating their blogs.
Symptom #3: I take pictures with my camera while imagining how it will look on
my "Blogger" webpage.
Symptom #4: I have all my Favorite Blogger webpages lined up in a row under "My
Favorites" list so I don't waste time searching for them and can easily
visit each and every one of them at least three times a day to check
their "Comments".
Symptom #5: I actually find myself emailing individuals (and you know who you are)
to inform them they need to update their page.
Intervention is crucial! I would suggest staging a girl's night out to divert my
attention. If this sounds like a good plan to me. Maybe I can pull myself away juuuust long enough....