Tuesday, January 31, 2006
A Day at the Mall
ok....I will admit that I am quite enjoying my time at the mall. The hours are reeeeally long and I get reeeeally bored at times but I've brought my laptop (or should I say Rick's Home Inspection laptop) and so I have something to pass the time with. All my friends seem to have deserted me for the warmth and comfort of their homes and I have no one to visit with (feel sorry for me and come visit soon).I will finally be done on the 15th of February so I'm counting the days! While I'm here, however, I am doing research for my new business next Christmas season. I've been having a lot of success finding the products I want so I think it will be a great success! In the meantime...I have been keeping myself entertained with people watching and chatting with other mall workers. It's all good.....except for the occassional stalker. I have come to realize that sometimes you can be too accommodating to those people who have nothing better to do than pester the kiosk business owners. Seriously! I finally had to contact security and the housekeeping manager in regard to one of their "Stupid" custodians who thinks it's a real "kick" to talk about inapropriate subjects and hang out at my cart at closing to "gawk" and pretend to be cleaning the garbage can! Good Lord in Heaven....save me from this madness! Go take your sick and perverted comments and stares to the Class Act in Cannon Falls....PUULLLEEEEASE! In the meantime...I'll try to keep you all updated a little more frequently. I just don't have anything new to say except..."HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIANNA"!!!! Love you loads!
Friday, January 20, 2006
Must Be Nice...

Here is a most recent email from my oldest child. I sure wish I had the luxury he has been allowed. Jamey, you're a most desired commodity it seems. Must Be Nice!!
Email to Mom & Dad:
Well, in case you were wondering how my little meeting went last night, it
went very well. They actually put out the idea of bringing me in as a
Senior Designer on their interactive team (which is one of the best in the
midwest). It basically would have been a better position (with some actual
leadership) and a much higher salary. BUT, all things considered, i'm not
going to take the job. Its not what i want to do with myself. I don't want
to be a senior designer at some big agency doing work for Nike, Target,
The Minnesota Wild, etc... i just want to do my own thing. So yeah... in
case you were wondering.
We know you'll be successful...whatever you choose to do Jamey! Congratulations on your successes so far! May you be blessed with many more! Yeah!
Jamey Erickson
Sunday, January 15, 2006
It's all about SPAM!
Sooo...my wonderful husband tells me yesterday to be dressed and ready to hit the road to go on an adventure with him. I am shocked that he would be so impulsive and creative. Soooo....we get in the car and he won't tell me where we're going. We travel south on US Hwy. 56 to I-90. Can you guess where we end up? Yep! That's right. He hastily pulls into the world reknown parking lot of the SPAM MUSEUM!! In utter amazement I cannot help but laugh out loud! "You've got to be kidding me?!", I exclaim. "No!...this is going to be cool!", replies Rick with the glimmer of excitement in his eyes. So "In" we go only to be greeted by one of the most cheerful SPAM ladies I have ever met in my life...complete with samples to taste (Uuugh!). I must admit, however, I learned quite a bit about Hormel and how much the city of Austin owes to this great company. If you ever get the chance to visit Austin make it a point to stop in...it's free to the public and just a little bit fun too! Oh yeah...I forgot to mention the best part...the Mexican lunch we had at one of the downtown restaurants. It was delicious...somewhat better than the SPAM samples! Ha!
This is what we do to escape the boredom of our lives here in Minnesota. Sad but true.
This is what we do to escape the boredom of our lives here in Minnesota. Sad but true.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Starting a New Year!
It's done! My son is moved into his new home and getting settled. My daughter is moved into her dorm at college and settled in too. I woke up this morning thinking she was still in her room sleeping. I immediately felt the emptiness of the house when I realized she wasn't there. It's strange how you can feel a sadness and longing yet be anticipating the move into independence again with just your own schedule to focus on. Rick and I are anticipating great things ahead and have much to be thankful and look forward to. Number 1 on that list would be the health and welfare of our two Amazing Kids! Knowing how successful they've both become so far is a testament to our Parenting Skills...Hee Hee! Just kidding. But seriously folks, teaching your kids that working hard while respecting those around you is the way to receive the best in life is one of the most important things you can teach them. I am excited about things to come! My only wish is that we can all live the good life (working hard to get it, of course). I hope you can do that. Remember....it's truly up to you!
Friday, January 06, 2006
Looking forward to the New Year
So we started the New Year moving my son, Jamey, into his new home. We are soooo excited with the new space he can call his own! Within a few days they get to rescue their cat they had to find a new home for when their landlord found out they had him illegally. Yes, Carcass will be coming home at last! Silly name for a cat. Leave it to four guys with a sense of humor. Sheesh. Next we will move my daughter, Megan, to her new home on campus in Winona. She's excited to see her friends again and to be on her own. We will miss her enormously but we know she is in a good place so that helps. Before she moves back we will do one last girl "Hurrah" up in the cities. On Saturday we'll go to our first dance competition with the K-M dance team. We'll travel to Fridley and yell and scream our support from the stands. I can't wait! It will be the first time to see them dance this season! Good luck girls! "Show me whatcha got!" Then Megan and I will drive to a hotel and pamper ourselves for the evening and wake up to shop the next day. It will be "Mega" Fun!! Have a great weekend everyone. Oh!....and Happy 30th Birthday to cousin "Holly"!! We love you!
Sunday, January 01, 2006
I know it's been Awhile...

I finally have a moment to breathe and catch up. For those of you who know me...you know I've been VERY busy lately. So it's now January 1st and I have much to be thankful for and much to look forward to. Megan made it home from the UK safely. Jamey had flown over to visit her for a week and they came back together on Dec. 23rd. That's the only gift I needed to make my Christmas celebration complete :^) !!
We got to spend good quality time together! I wouldn't trade that for a million dollars! With the new year looming ahead I have a few new business ventures in mind. There will be lots of work involved to bring these new ventures to fruition but that's why I have about 6 months to prepare. It will all be good! I'm excited! For those of you who are far away I have posted Christmas pictures. Sorry it's so late but hey! At least I got to it! Have a Happy New Year Everyone!
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