We had a sensational time in London! Only tapped the surface of all there is to see and do! I have posted many pictures below for your enjoyment. Of course, we have at least 200 more but that would take too long so you'll just have to enjoy what is posted. At least until I make a CD and get them all developed for others enjoyment. It was sooooo good to see Megan and visit her temporary home and family (the other students she is with). I miss her and the wonderful city already! Cheers London!
Rick outside one of the homes of John Lennon. It was also home to Paul McCartney (John was nice enough to rent it to him for a few weeks) and Jimmy Hendricks!
I couldn't resist having Rick take a quick snap of me in a very typical London Phone Booth. We were on the Beatles Walking Tour!
Just one of the many wonderful chimneys in London. Very Mary Poppins style don't ya think?
The slew of parents and a handful of the students who attended and performed the play "Our Town". We went out to dinner. attended the play, and then to a local Pub for a celebration of the final show!
The Wimbledon Theatre where the crew from St. Mary's performed their play "Our Town"! It was a smashing success!
Megan cooking her favorite thing to eat...a grilled cheese sandwich!
Megan's Room she shared with 2 other girls. It was nice and plenty of room for all of them. Rick is peeking around from an area desk that was a work station for Megan and her computer.
Megan pointing to her Flat located on the 2nd level of the building.
Megan outside her London Flat located on Auriol Road. We were about a 10 minute walk from our hotel.
Our Hotel! The Brook Green Hotel located across from the Brook Green lawn across the street. The Pub in the lower level was amazing and had entertainment (Jazz, Blues, Comedy, etc.) every night of the week. Our room was on the very top (first window to the right of the southern corner). Every night we would hike up the 67 steps (no Lift/Elevator in the Hotel) to our room. We were usually exhausted so it took some doing! Each morning we had a Full English Breakfast - included with the price of the room! The construction on the sidewalk out front was pretty typical everywhere you went in London!
An outside view of one of the buildings of the London Tower where many Kings and Queens and accused traitors met their doom. They were beheaded. We could have spend hours on this tour but were limited in time because of an evening show. A Must See for all History Buffs, however!
The legend of Ravens at the London Tower is that Ravens flocked to the tower to eat the remains and refuse from the bitter and gruesome wars (where body parts were a raven delicacy) and daily refuse from the inhabitants of the tower were deposited outside. It was said that if the Ravens were ever prohibited in their visitation to the Tower that it would collapse along with the Kingdom. Today there are 6 resident ravens whose wings are clipped so they will remain on the grounds.
A view of a wall at the Tower of London. Lower part of wall has been dated to have been built in Roman times!
Part of the London Tower.
Our boat cruise from Westminster to the London Tower. All part of our Explorer Day on the Original London Walk Tours. Recommended as a great way to get the real history and behind-the-scenes of London. We also did the famous "Jack the Ripper" tour which was truly amazing. Walking amid buildings and roads where famous (and not so famous) people have walked for centuries!
The famous London Eye. We didn't ride it. At 12.5 pounds apiece we saw just as much from the top of St. Paul's Cathedral for the price of the tour admission (8 pounds each). Lovely to see along the Thames river however.
St. Martin In the Fields. A church in Trafalgar Square where they hold over 350 Concerts a year and have an Award Winning Buffet Cafe in the Crypt! We had dinner with the dead in the Crypt (much to Megan's opposition-she secretly loved it however) and a Baroque Concert with a stringed orchestra and the East London Chorus! What a way to top off our visit to London. (We also saw 3 shows...Woman in Black, Scrooge the Musical, and of course, Megan's production of Our Town at the Wimbledon Theatre...Amazing!)
Picadilly Circus is a MUST SEE! Truly Unbelievable!!
Too many People everywhere you go! This is in Camden. It was a Sunday and very busy!
Touring Camden.
Getting on and off the Tube in London you are reminded to "Mind the Gap". What a great way to tour London!
Main entrance to Westminster.
World's largest square tower (at the time it was built) known as the North Tower of Westminster.
Westminster Abby. We took a tour inside and saw many famous tombs including Sir Isaac Newton, Queen Elizabeth I, King Charles, Charles Dickens, and Handel the composer, to name just a few.