As I look back on previous blogs and recall the whining about the cold and wet weather it reminds me not to complain about the heat. It's been hot for so long I told my Mom, who is visiting from Arizona, that she wasn't kidding about bringing the heat up with her. I hope it cools off. Both my parents are thinking about going back to Arizona because at least in Arizona it's a "DRY HEAT". I keep telling myself it's not the heat that's buggin' me but the humidity. I think most people would agree. I've been working at the Dodge County Fair all week with no air conditioning. It has been NO PICNIC, let me tell ya! Uuuuggghhh! By 5:00pm in the afternoon I have begun the melting process and become one with my chair in front of the fan. If someone wants to buy something from me they better be ready to help themselves cause I can no longer accommodate them. Seriously! Attendance is down so low at the fair I don't even know if they'll be able to afford to have another one next year. Oh well....they're boring anyway. This girl will not be working it again. It's just not worth the agony. On the upside, however, for those of you who know I love jewelry I found the coolest jewelry retailer in the world! I think I nearly bought her out before the 2nd day was over! We are now acquainted on a first name basis and I'll be having a jewelry party sometime in the near future. can be looking for your invitation and you must come and see it all to believe it! It's all priced awesomely inexpensive too (which works for me)! Anyhooooo.....hope you are all surviving cause I'm not! Pray for me....I'll need it to make it through tomorrow's record high temps. Uffda!