So tonight I went out with 2 of my good friends (one of whom is moving to Iowa! Ahhhh!). We had the time of our lives! I missed having the white chocolate mousse from the Redwood Room however. I can't believe they discontinued it! Boy! Did I let them know what a mistake that was! We tried 2 of their other desserts and they totally sucked! And that's being nice! The pizza was Yummy however! I wish we could do more of that and we promised to stay in touch and do something together again. I believe we will keep that promise because we all agreed that we are like sisters as if we were truly blood relatives. Sooo many memories and sooo many shared trials and tribulations. Isn't that what family is all about? Being there for each other and communicating our hopes, desires, dreams, frustrations, etc. Yeah...I think so. My only wish was that I had brought my camera so I could have taken a snapshot. I'm so bad at remembering to do that. Rick always takes the pictures at our house and I always forget to bring it along. Silly me!
On another note...Jamey...your blog is really random this time. Kinda funny and entertaining to say the least. Are these your thoughts or were they stolen from someone else? Hmmm? Megan...We will have to schedule a day to just hang out. It never seems to work out when we both have days off. I don't know what's up with that but we'll figure something out soon OK? I love you both with all my heart!
I hope that people will comment on my blog this time. For whatever reason they haven't shared their voices with me. Disappointing. I love to read your comments! So comment away folks. Keep it interesting. Try to stay's about time I have to say that! Yeah for summer!!!!!!!